Thursday, April 23, 2009

PAWScostarica History- The Middle

The "middle" of the history of PAWScostarica is like the middle of a big fat messy sandwich. There were so many ideas, so many things we tried, some flops (like the absolutely beautiful Cristmas stars that Mercedes Dias, Stuart and I spent hours making, but that made the Society no money), some small successes (a fund-raiser lunch a the Monteverde Friends School), a second spay/neuter clinic (29 animals), some adoptions, stopped one cruelty case, some education on an informal and more formal basis (mini-course an animal welfare at the Monteverde Friends School), etc.

And in the midst of it all, the meeting of a very special person named Roxane (and her husband Scott), who having just met me brief minutes before, very willingly volunteered to (on the spot) transport, house and care for two of our street dogs during the spay/neuter campaign! They also partially financially sponsored other animals. How incredible was that! She has now become one of our strongest supporters even though she lives in the States. Things were going so well... I did not know it was the calm before the storm.

I had taken a trip to the States, and when I came back Andrea was gone! She was in San Jose, in the process of moving there permanently as there were no jobs here for her nor for her husband. It was a period of serious re-organization deep within myself and within the Society. We used to get together to hammer out details about logistics of the spay/neuter clinics, of the problems and issues that came up with idividual aninmals/people, etc. We used to lean on each other for EVERYTHING! Now when I spoke of US, I knew I meant ME, or at least I felt that way. When I said that trainers or vets could come volunteer and stay at one of our houses in Monteverde, I knew I meant at MY house. I began to feel very alone and was beginning to lose faith. I started to disconnect from Andrea, and started to plan the website on my own.

It was a crisis for me. One day I came into the Monteverde Institute's library, where I am now and where I seem to "live" when my son is at school. It must have been the habit of working on The Project that must have brought me here that day (looking up what other animal welfare organizations were doing, what other web sites looked like, what the laws said, etc.), for I felt like giving up. There were so many issues, so much to do, and I felt all alone (although I never really was). I don't even remember how I got into a conversation with this super nice young woman named Kamila Rakhimova. She said she would try to help. Just like that. Out of the blue! Maybe this was the beginning of my internal re-organization. Somehow it dawn on me that this was actually an opportunity for PAWScostarica to expand (and for Andrea and me to grow as people). There are so many animals in San Jose also suffering. We could do more. So we regrouped. Yes, there are communication barriers and I miss her, but The Project goes on. As a result, she and I both have met other people who have been so helpful and just wonderful to be around (like Angie who helped with the spay/neuter clinic even though she was sleep-deprived and Eileen who housed and cared for one of our animals). Andrea's leaving was definately BAD TASTING medicine, but here we are, stronger and more determined than ever!

Next time I will tell you more specifics of where we are now, for this is where you come in. There are so many things to accomplish... I am so sure we can make this project an effective tool for changing our world.

1 comment:

  1. Hi! we met on the ferry (both ways) to Ometepe in nicaragua. my boyfriend passed your blog to me, as i too am interested in some kind of animal rescue/shelter. you should talk with the wonderful folks that run Rancho Mastatal, a remote permaculture farm outside of Puriscal. here is their site:
    They have done a spay/neuter clinic in their area! looking forward to being in touch,
